This Yoga Flow For Climbers With Tight Hips Is Exactly What You Need
We've all been there: we're so close to sending a problem oh-so cleanly.. and then... the foot.
It needs to get high.
It needs to match your hand or work its way up a corner or literally be anywhere except where it is right now.
But your hips! They're so tight! The legs! They're not feeling flexible!
Ugh. It's the worst, right?!
Well, have no fear because I just created the BEST 20-minute full yoga flow routine for climbers with tight hips. It's fun, it's effective, and it's everything you've ever needed.
This yoga flow mixes both dynamic and deep stretches to get your hips to new heights... hehe. Include this in your weekly routine at least 2x a week and I promise you're going to love the way you feel.
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